Wednesday, July 23, 2008

DVC Blog - Issue #4 - Points

Uncovering Disney’s Best Kept Secret – The Disney Vacation Club

Issue 4

Points – How to get them…without joining DVC. Shhh, it’s a secret.

Ok, so now you have decided to at least consider buying into DVC. You have looked at all the alternatives and you are ready to dive in. WAIT! Don’t go yet. There is another thing you need to know. There is a way to get all of the benefits of DVC without paying for a full membership.

Within the DVC contract there is a provision that allows members to “occasionally” rent or give their points to others. There are 3 main reasons that you would want to rent points instead of buying a membership. One, if you want to take DVC for a test drive before you buy. Go and rent some points for your next trip and see if you like it. Two, if you only vacation at Disney occasionally (i.e. every 5 years or so). That way you get all of the perks without buying into DVC. Third, you like the luxury but you don’t want the long term commitment. This is certainly the least expensive way to get DVC bonuses without the full membership.

Here is a simple version of how renting works. A DVC member finds they can not use their points before they expire or they are want to earn some extra cash. They list these points on one of many third part websites. (There is a list of some of these sites at the end of the blog. We don’t recommend any of them. The list is just for your reference.) The renter will go to one of the sites and find someone that has around the number of points that they need. Once contacted and finalization of the deal, the member will go to DVC and make the reservation in the renters name, you will technically be their guest. When the renter shows up at the resort, they are treated as if they are a member.

The cost for the points will vary depending on the time of year and how much the individual wants to charge, but you can typically find points at about $10 -$14 each. That means that our stay from the last blog would cost $330 a night vs. the $450 with cash. You would also get all of the perks, including the discounts on shopping, attractions and dining. Remember, as a guest of a member you get treated the same as the member.

There are a few things to be watchful for. Though 99% of the points out there are legit, you are dealing with individuals are not officially connected with Disney or DVC. There are some sites that will offer you templates for contracts that you can sign to somewhat legalize the deal. There are also sites that work as intermediaries between buyer and seller. You will pay a premium for those points ($2-3 more per point) but there is more security that things will be legit. You also run the risk of not being able to get the reservation you want. Members have a window to make reservations starting at 11 months from the date they want to stay. Unfortunately, most members do not make the decision to rent their points until they are well within that window and their points are nearing expiration. You could spend a couple of days negotiating price with a member and then find out that there are no rooms available for when you want to stay. This is very common around the busy times like the Christmas holiday, during the summer and Spring Break time.

One major downfall for this method is the total cost. Remember, when renting points they are a one time use. You pay for the stay and it’s over. Consider buying your own membership and then renting your points when you are not going to be able to use them.

So now you know about renting points. For those that still want to join the family, stay tuned for our next edition where we will start a series called, “I’m Sold! Now What?” In this series, we will be looking at all the things you need to know before you sign the contract.

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

DVC Boards:

NOTE: We do not recommend any of these sites, nor do we sponsor or are sponsored by any of these sites. These are only provided as references and we can not be responsible for any transactions on these or any other DVC rental sites.

If you would like to comment on this blog, please join us on the DVC Message Boards at Walt's Basement. If you are not a member of Walt’s Basement, just contact us at and we will get you signed up.
If you are interested in more information about joining DVC, please drop me a note and I will get you connected with my great DVC rep. To be fair, I do get a gift when I recommend people to DVC.

1 comment:

Mztressofallevil said...

Thank you for posting this! I have always wondered how this works and if it was possible. I think we will try it before buying into the DVC!